

徘徊在歲月的端口,一路輾轉,一路凝眸,一路回首,前塵舊夢,靜靜收藏於時光深處。夜裏,清風逐夢,夢裏,淺淚隨風。揮袖間,獨舞紅塵,默默想念;婉約處,輕倚歲月,淡抹流年;素箋裏,提筆淺念,落筆抒一紙緣香。 一杯清茶,渺渺飄香,那些深藏在心底的故事,若隱若現,靜坐時,茶香漫在歲月的光影裏,氤氳了一紙流年。遇見,淡了落寞,濃了眷戀,暖了心房。心裏慢慢暈開的一抹景致,是歲月裏最溫柔的緣香。 一份心的美好,緣於雲淡風輕;一份情的感念,緣於地老天荒。走過紛雜,漫過喧囂,在記憶的扉頁上,寫滿朵朵花開的詩。在最美的年華裏,描幕初見的你,醉了山,醉了水,醉了日月。 時光的畫卷裏,喜歡用出塵的筆墨,將你刻畫,旖旎的風景映著水色年華,淺影淡花。歲月的兒童春節禮物長堤上,喜歡用繽紛的花語,把你溫婉,人生的緣,妙不可言,遇見,珍惜,用心收於一紙詩箋,妥帖珍藏,撚一朵花,灑滿素年錦香,輕嗅,沁脾;回味,甘醇而美好。 時光荏苒,轉眼,花事已落,唯緣兀自生香,香染流年。倚著歲月的肩頭,抬眸,觀天淡、賞雲閑、聽雪落,低眉,執素筆、展笑靨、淺抒緣。細數紅塵路上的點滴過往,一紙書香渲染了墨箋,一場邂逅溫柔了歲月,一曲紅塵吟唱了千古情緣。誰的芊芊筆韻,婉約了世間浮華。誰的素心素念,唯美了點點了墨花。 是一同品過的香茶,是一道漫步的郊外,是一起讀過的詩篇,在心底泛著的香...... 有一種緣分,在時光裏雕刻成花。有一種繾綣,在歲月裏靜靜守候。有一種眷戀,在紅塵裏不離不棄。有一種情懷,在流年裏如影隨形。 許多時候,喜歡一個人,寂靜歡喜,寂靜想念,淡淡的就好。塵夢裏,將文字淡抹於水墨落花,淺吟低唱中,走過的是歲月,碾過的是滄桑,難忘的還是那抹牽動心弦的緣香。 誰的一聲輕語,婉約了風裏的呢喃,誰的一懷感念,沉醉了心裏的柔美。時光漸老,容顏碎了一地光陰,懷念人生若只如初見的美好韶光,然,歲月終不是童話,經歷終不能改寫,惟執一抹馨香,流年裏靜守,懷一抹牽念,淡然於心於塵,這又何嘗旅行結婚不是一種幸福! 輕倚歲月,淺唱流年,那些塵埃裏盛放的緣,一眼回眸,便一生難忘。素心縷縷,執一世千古柔腸,默然守望。挽一襲塵緣若夢,一笑傾城。 漫漫紅塵,許我一生溫婉,淺淺歲月,賜我一世癡緣,或許,太多的悲歡離歡,才給人生添上了一筆濃重的色彩,或許,太多的刻骨相思,才給情路鋪滿了銘心的記憶,只有心有所屬,才懂深情意重,只有日夜祈盼,才知愛暖離愁。初見,驚豔;不見,眷戀。 折一束記憶的光,於素年錦時,把眷戀鋪滿一紙錦繡。往事如煙,碎碎念,醉夢如歌,聲聲吟。剪一段素年的緣,瘦筆凝香,把相思拈成一抹風花,把過往描幕成一場雪月,幾多纏綿,幾多繾綣,幾多馨香。 細數流年,數到相思脫髮治療痛彎了眉;靜待花開,待到紅顏染了發梢,我心依然。 紅塵陌上,溫柔淺念,輕倚歲月,淡抹情懷。提筆,眷戀,落筆,抒一紙緣香,輕嗅,染了眉梢,再嗅,醉了流年。

What is time

Spring blossoms thanks red, too in a hurry, this is not a poet in the follow-up time? Be rose, is comfortable to sleep! The storm of the city, originally向日葵纖體美容投訴very beautiful flowers bloom, like this we give DuanJingTuiYuan. The other shore flower also want to open, menchu, ShaHua. In the world of discrete is on the other shore. Silently walk, at the edge of the flower in his heart petals broken all over the floor, every piece is the hope of her past lives. Autumn night drunk, roaming in the endless, gates, vaguely a woman singing: like a rain on my heart, it feels so mysterious... That is for love song, is also the song for the time. Songs such as the white bird surface low flying, lower back, thousands of folding turn, like water flowing over my heart. Of her songs, is extremely rich experience, memories obsession, but endless desolation. The fallen petal one independent, micro swifts. Two heartless, water flowers die from since then, Trinidad lake, with your farewell. Willow blue someday, out today. Between figure and hoary head, it is a long life or fleeting moment. What time, long is sorrowful, short joys yan. Lung ying-tai writes, I slowly learned that the so-called father and mother and child, simply means that you and his fate is to share the rest of my life constantly after watching his back away. You stand at the far end of the road, looking at his turn gradually disappeared in the path, and he back to tell you: don't have to chase Hong Kong living culture. Yes, don't have to chase, watched children grew up day by day, step by step walk far, walk into their own sky. His rainy sky, I no longer is his shade and shelter in the rain. See parents one day weak, lonely, old, haggard, ren years of snow fall between ManFa. Lung ying-tai prose "see", is watched, the life time of silence. I gradually understand that god does not pay attention to all of us, in the final prints, he is always cool to look at, look at we are constantly looking for, go hand in hand, together, discrete. Time will I go to the sharp edges and a little bit of grinding, in a向日葵纖體美容投訴hurry time, a heart slowly calm down, understand the fear, tolerant, introspection, compassion. Hence, my foot on the soil, and then to take root, sprout, branch, leaf. I finally understand, up to now, I don't have a pair of flying wings.